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Award-Winning Choreography

"A dance teacher helps their students find the song in their heart, the beat in their feet, and a passion for life."

Training Dancers  ❤️  Shaping Lives."

The Dance Scene's artistic director, Nikki Patrick, has been dancing since she was 4 years old.  Little did her parents know in finding an activity for early childhood development, would lead to a lifelong love, passion, and daily pursuit. As such, her life has been filled with wonderful memories of past performances, esteemed teachers, and studio friendships. However, more than the memories, were the lessons learned throughout her studio years.  Amidst the enjoyment, dancing taught her to work hard, stay focused, persevere and appreciate the discipline of the art.  So much so, that she is very motivated to see her students grow and develop in the same ways.  To her, it is so much more than just teaching dance, it is more about connecting dance to life in a way that leaves a lifelong impression in their young lives and leads to a lifetime of success.  She will often share with studio parents, “Dance lessons equal life lessons."  Together with her teaching team, most of whom have very similar dance experiences, they strive to be more than just dance teachers, but mentors, coaches, advocates and friends.

Meet Our Staff

Krystianna Gutierrez is a teacher and choreographer at The Dance Scene
Krysti Gutierrez
Natalia Jimenez is a teacher and choreographer at The Dance Scene
Natalia Jimenez
Amber Wheeler
Sarah Back is a teacher and choreographer at The Dance Scene
Sarah Back
Drew Contreras is a teacher and choreographer at The Dance Scene
Drew Contreras

Training Dancers ❤️ Shaping Lives

"The Dance Scene truly embodies their commitment to their mission and values "Training dancers, shaping lives." I am continually impressed by the community that surrounds my daughter as she grows as a dancer and member of the The Dance Scene family.
Wendy Willet York
Nikki and Jason are the owners of The Dance Scene

Nikki & Jason Patrick

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